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The threat actors appear to be in a reconnaissance phase, which could be a prelude to a larger cyber-sabotage attack meant to destroy and paralyze infrastructure.
Researchers were able to discover a way to hack the device in less than an hour.
The devices don’t require authentication for connections received on a local network; and, HTTP is used to configure or control embedded devices.
Researchers demonstrate how an encrypted macOS hard drive can still leak unprotected data via the operating system’s Finder and QuickLook feature.
Attackers can remotely access the infrastructure to install, remove or encrypt any application that the affected companies are running in the cloud.
The IP cameras have a slew of bugs allowing bad actors to control them, add them to a botnet, or render them useless.
In a David-and-Goliath moment, the 49-year-old librarian has won satisfaction in the wake of its head-spinningly massive 2017 data breach.
The Feds say Marcus Hutchins is behind both the UPAS Kit backdoor and the Kronos banking trojan.
While other malware families have been searching for new overlay techniques for Android 7 and 8, MysteryBot appears to have found a solution.
The move escalates tensions between the phone giant and federal law enforcement when it comes to mobile security.
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